- Website Launching (1.Dec.2022)
- Meetings 
- Courses 
Co-chairs: Daria Scacciatelli and Louisa Kontoghiorghes.
Description: This WG starts and closes the working plan cycle. It is also the bridge to society through stakeholders and a variety of practitioners. This WG will identify potentially useful sources of information for their specific problems and will be responsible for the data management. Practitioners and stakeholders will collaborate to identify relevant datasets. The scientists will also be able to generate relevant datasets by mining open-source or easy to access sources indicated by the stakeholder, such as specialized publications or the EU Open Data Portal. A 15 dialogue with the methodological researchers will motivate the particular data processing and tools to be developed/applied. Once methods, algorithms and software had been delivered, they will come back to this group, and from here to the society.
Main tasks- To identify potentially useful sources of information and collaborate with WG 1 for the preprocessing, storage, and EDA. To assist WG 2 in finding the most meaningful models and tools to represent mathematically the actual problems to be considered and to generate the solutions. To foster connections among stakeholders, applied econometricians, and practitioners of other fields through dissemination and networking activities involving interested parties.